Ten the Hardway with Angie Franks

From time to time we take a break and interview a Missouri Gaming Commission staff member.Today our victim is Angie Franks. She is the Commission's assistant, assistant to Executive Director Roger Stottlemyre and an all around swell gal.

1. Give us a synopsis of your job-

AF- I prepare documents for commission meetings, discipline review board, scheduling for the executive director and commissioners, prepare the annual report. I also plan the commission meetings, and the things that go with the meetings, like lunch, court reporters, etc.

2. So you're saying you have lots of free time? Ha. What do you do with your personal free time. Hobbies?

AF-My kids keep me extremely busy with sporting events, sometimes two different sporting events with three different kids at different times.

3. What is the most exciting part of your job?

AF- Commission meetings. This is when all of what we do comes together.

4. How long have you been with the Commission?

AF- Since January 1,1998.

5. What has been the most interesting time in the Commission's history for you?

AF-The different times in which the riverboat gaming casinos have opened to the public.

6. Do you feel you have seen a real change in how the Commission operates?

AF- No. We're regulators. I have worked for four different Executive Directors. Even though each has their style, it always goes back to regulation. From that we never waiver.

7.If you could change anything about your job what would you change?

AF-I really wouldn't change anything.

8.What would you do if you won a jackpot?

AF- I cannot win a jackpot. I am not allowed to gamble on Missouri riverboat gaming casinos. Commissioners as well as Commission employees are not allowed to gamble on Missouri riverboat casinos.

9. Ok, what if a bundle of money fell from the sky and landed on your lap. What would you do?

AF- I would go on a luxurious vacation…someplace warm and tropical.

10. Coke or Pepsi?

AF- Pepsi.

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